Wills, Trusts and Estates


There are many and diverse reasons for having a Will drafted for anyone, reasons that go far beyond the reluctance to appreciate the importance of having a Will because there may be no appreciable assets.  Suffice it to say that your Will is pretty certain to be your last say on Earth.  How else after death will you have any opportunity to direct any of your assets, regardless of monetary value, in any particular direction, and where-else can one comment on one’s life and dictate policy without being confronted with any debate or attempt to dissuade?  It is also of extreme importance to designate a capable fiduciary(s) for one’s Estate processing and care arrangements, to be accomplished by appointment of Trustees, Administrators/Executors, and Powers of Attorney.  We query our potential clients regarding these and other particulars of Estate Planning and Administration.  We draft Wills, Powers of Attorney, Trusts, and a variety of other asset security and disposition/distribution authorization documents, and we assist in Estate Processing post-mortem, whether by Probate or Administration.